Dear DOGtime students, especially new students,
We are looking forward to meeting you on “Mosseldag” the official DOGtime introduction on Friday 6 September, 18.00 sharp.
Traditionally this will take place outside, around the Glass Pavilion of the Rietveld
Mosseldag is the start of the new academic year with all DOGtime students, alumni and lecturers.
After the welcome speech at 18.15 of the head of the department, Manel Esparbé i Gasca, DOGtime lecturers will cook for you 40kg mejillones a la plancha served with salad, bread & fruit, wine & water. Diner starts at 19.00. After dinner we clear & clean together 21.00.
Classes will start from Monday the 9th of September 2019. (18:45- 21:45)
The final schedule, the classes and your student card you will receive on the Mosseldag.
The important dates and schedule (draft) are already published on the website.
Note: In August the Important Dates can possibly be updated.