Vincka StrubenVincka Struben


Title thesis:

The connection between spaces of a different nature

The transfer, the moment of touching and the
position of the focus

Link to thesis (PDF)

Smooth transitions

I am interested in the rhythm and the process
of perception
phenomena of
which I am usually not aware. The construction
of the environment from a succession of
fragments, subtle eye-movements, the shifting
of the focus of looking, mental leaps and
images. The position of the point of focus and
the place of attention can be very diverse and
shift very fast. The transitions between these
spaces of different nature are perceived
amazingly coherent and smooth.

I try to comprehend physical properties like the
transitions within the retina reflected in the
space and the limit and the contrast with the
space I do not see. I would like to grasp the
transformations of the dynamic and three-
dimensional shape of the field of view when
eye-movements encounter the static
boundaries of a space.

Vincka Struben_field of viewField of view


Titel scriptie:

De verbinding tussen ruimten van een andere

De overdracht, het moment van raken en de
positie van de focus.

Link naar scriptie (PDF)

Smooth transitions

I am interested in the rhythm and the process
of perception
phenomena of
which I am usually not aware. The construction
of the environment from a succession of
fragments, subtle eye-movements, the shifting
of the focus of looking, mental leaps and
images. The position of the point of focus and
the place of attention can be very diverse and
shift very fast. The transitions between these
spaces of different nature are perceived
amazingly coherent and smooth.

I try to comprehend physical properties like the
transitions within the retina reflected in the
space and the limit and the contrast with the
space I do not see. I would like to grasp the
transformations of the dynamic and three-
dimensional shape of the field of view when
eye-movements encounter the static
boundaries of a space.

Vincka Struben_field of viewField of view

Light, space and timeLicht, ruimte en tijd

The Do-It-Yourself (DIY) workshop week starts Monday, 4 November till the “grand finale” on Thursday, 7 November.
All students (except graduation students) participate in this event.
During the evenings DOGtime students will turn their hands to time and space in six locations in and around the building in accordance with six themes. The workshop is led by a lighting technician with access to various light sources.

The official introduction to the DOGtime theme: “Light, space and time” will take place in the Gymzaal on Monday, October 28 (first day after the holidays).
The lecture program contains a presentation about the context of light headed by architect and artist Jan van Grunsven and a lecture on a great history of light and a small history of life by artist and curator Caspar van Gemund.
During this evening Rombout and Govinda will give detailed information and important instructions for the DIY workshop week. Make sure you attend.

On the “Light Blog” you can post ideas, websites, you tube films etc. – check it out! LOOK HEREDe Do-It-Yourself (DIY) workshop week start maandag 4 november tot de grote finale op donderdag 7 november. Alle studenten (behalve eindexamenstudenten) doen mee met de workshop week.
Aan de hand van 6 thema’s zullen alle DOGtime studenten werken aan tijd en ruimte op 6 locaties in en om het gebouw. De workshop wordt geleid door een lichttechnicus met verschillende lichtbronnen.

De officiële introductie op het DOGtime thema: ‘licht , ruimte en tijd’, is op maandag 28 oktober (de eerste maandag na de herftsvakantie) in de gymzaal.
Het programma bestaat uit een presentatie de context van licht onderleiding van architect en kunstenaar Jan van Grunsven en een lezing over ‘de grote geschiedenis van licht en een kleine geschiedenis van zijn perceptie’ door kunstenaar en curator Caspar Gemund.
Tijdens de introductie zullen Govinda en Rombout uitgebreide informatie en belangrijke instructies geven voor de DIY workshop week. Zorg dat je erbij bent!

Op het ‘licht-blog’ kan je ideeën, websites, youtube filmpjes etc. posten – check it out! KIJK HIER!

LIGHT PROJECT – housing weekLICHT PROJECT – huisvestingsweek

All activities at Rietveld Academie are dedicated to the Do-It-Yourself Housing Week from Monday 4 November till Friday 8 November. This week all lectures, workshops and projects focus on the expected new building and reorganization of the Rietveld Academie. All departments of the Rietveld Academie participate, including all DOGtime students (except for graduate students). There are no regular classes during this week. Each department works with its own theme, such as, digital space, acoustics, trash routes, navigation, materials etc. The DOGtime theme is: Light – space and time

“…We are immersed in sound just as we are immersed in air and light, we are caught up willy-nilly in its hurly-burly”.
(Michel. Serres)

– DOGtime plans an excursion on 20 October to Hombroich (Museum Insel) and Unna (“Centre for International Light Arts)
– DOGtime starts in the week prior to the housingweek with an introduction to the theme “Light – space and time” with a lecture etc.
– DOGtime will work on Monday- (4 Nov.) Tuesday- (5 Nov) and Wednesday evening (6 Nov) in 4 groups on different locations in the building, each group with a specific focus and way of thinking.
– DOGtime presents its projects on Thursday evening (7 Nov.)
– DOGtime will start a Blog on “Light” on which every concerning this week will be communicated and everyone can posts ideas, websites, you tube films etc..

Govinda Mens and Rombout Willems will shape and facilitate this project together. More substantive and practical information will follow. The blog will be launched soon.Van maandag 4 tot en met vrijdag 8 november staat de Rietveld Academie in het teken van de “Do-It-Yourself” huisvestingsweek. Een week met lezingen, workshops en projecten gericht op de aanstaande nieuwbouw en herindeling van de Rietveld Academie. Alle afdelingen van de Rietveld , inclusief DOGtime, nemen hieraan deel (uitgezonderd de eindexamen studenten). Er zijn geen reguliere lessen deze week. Elke afdelingen van de Rietveld werkt met een eigen thema, zoals: digitale ruimte, akoestiek, afvalstromen, navigatie, materialen, etc. Het DOGtime-thema is: Licht – ruimte en tijd

“…We are immersed in sound just as we are immersed in air and light, we are caught up willy-nilly in its hurly-burly”.
(Michel. Serres)

– DOGtime organiseert een excursie naar Hombroich (Museum Insel) en Unna (“Centre for International Light Arts) op 20 oktober.
– DOGtime start in de week voorafgaand aan de huisvestingsweek met een introductie van het thema “Licht – ruimte en tijd” (lezing e.d.)
– DOGtime werkt op de maandag- (4 nov.), dinsdag- (5 nov.) en woensdagavond (6 nov.) in 4 groepen op verschillende locaties in het gebouw, elke groep met een specifieke focus en werkwijze.
– DOGtime presenteert op donderdagavond (7 nov.) haar projecten
– DOGtime start een Blog “Light” waarop alles omtrent deze week gecommuniceerd kan worden, en iedereen ideeën, websites, you-tube filmpjes e.d. kan posten.
Govinda Mens en Rombout Willems zullen samen dit project vorm geven en begeleiden. Binnenkort zal meer informatie volgen, zowel inhoudelijk als praktisch en zal het Blog gelanceerd worden.