Eleonora VolpiEleonora Volpi



Eleonora Volpi

Title thesis:

Perception, Identity and 2 Identities

Link to thesis (PDF)

I guess I can say that with my work I investigate what identity and perception are. How differently I relate to myself and that what surrounds me depending on the moment, and how limited I am as human being : it is a matter of facts. I never perceive the truth, but only what my brain allows me to perceive, depending on my needs.

eleonora volpi bitmom (still)bitmom (still)



Eleonora Volpi

Title thesis:

Perception, Identity and 2 Identities

Link to thesis (PDF)

I guess I can say that with my work I investigate what identity and perception are. How differently I relate to myself and that what surrounds me depending on the moment, and how limited I am as human being : it is a matter of facts. I never perceive the truth, but only what my brain allows me to perceive, depending on my needs.

eleonora volpi bitmom (still)bitmom (still)

Open Day Gerrit Rietveld AcademieOpen Dag Gerrit Rietveld Academie

The Open Day 2014 of the Rietveld Academie is Friday January 31th from 10h00 – 20h00.
During the Open Day all departments present themselves by means of exhibitions and other presentations. DOGtime will present itself in room 105 and 110 of the main building. Teachers and students are open to answer all sorts of questions about live at Rietveld in general and DOGtime in particular.

Open Consultation hours
During the Open Day you also have the opportunity to show your portfolio to one of our teachers during the open consultation hours from 10h00- 17h00. You do not have to make an appointment, but do register through apply@rietveldacademie.nl so we can send you information about the procedure during the open day consultations beforehand.

In short: the Open Day is good way of finding out what a study at the Rietveld Academie is about. More infomation on the open day.De Rietveld Academie heeft een Open Dag op vrijdag 31 januari 2014 van 10.00u – 20.00u
Tijdens de Open Dag presenteren alle afstudeerrichtingen zich in exposities en andere presentaties. DOGtime is te vinden in lokaal 105 en 110 van het hoofdgebouw. Docenten en studenten zijn aanwezig om vragen over de Rietveld Academie en DOGtime te beantwoorden.

Open toelatingsspreekuren
Tijdens de Open Dag is er ook de mogelijkheid je portfolio te laten zien aan docenten tijdens de toelatingsspreekuren. Je hoeft hiervoor geen afspraak te maken maar meld je wel aan via apply@rietveldacademie.nl, dan krijg je van te voren informatie over de spreekuurprocedure tijdens de open dag toegezonden. De open toelatingsspreekuren zijn van 10.00-17.00 uur.

Oftewel: de Open Dag is een goede gelegenheid om te kijken hoe een studie aan de Rietveld Academie er uitziet. Meer over de open dag