DOGtime : the course
DOGtime is the Bachelor part-time study program of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, housed on the 7th floor of the Benthem Crouwel building. Within the Rietveld community DOGtime stands out as the only department that embodies three programs within a full five years integrated Bachelor curriculum. It consists of a propedeutic program (a foundation program that lasts two years), and two advanced courses (professional programs each lasting three years). The advanced courses are offered in two routes of choice, each with its own distinct profile : DOGtime Expanded Painting (EP) or DOGtime Unstable Media (UM). Throughout the program each student will be supervised and coached by a staff of lecturers consisting of a heterogeneous team of artists, designers, entrepreneurs and cultural theorists, all from different artistic or design backgrounds. They provide for an intensive, demanding and challenging curriculum that in an open atmosphere stimulates each student to pursue individual research priorities. The curriculum ‘s aim is to establish a balance between theory and practice. DOGtime challenges its students to relate to current developments, to anticipate the possibilities of professional practice of an artist or interactive designer in this society. Post DOGtime graduate students are well equipped to determine their own route within the artistic, political and socio-economic climate of the contemporary public realm.
Classes are three times a week from 18:45hrs – 21:45hrs.
DOGtime : student community
The DOGtime student community consists roughly of 90 students. Their background is diverse: from analysts to animal trainers, from babysitters to biochemists, from carpenters to cardiac sonographers, from dance instructors to dental technicians, from entrepreneurs to economists, etc.. The age of the students varies from 20 to 50 years with an average age of around 30. Many of the students work along side their DOGtime study. In order to fulfil your DOGtime study, it is recommended to work externally for up to 24 hours a week to support your studies. DOGtime strives for a clear organization of the schedule, so that students can organize the lessons and projects to their working schedule. Included within this structure there is room for a substantive ‘playful’, transparent and versatile approach for individual discoveries and insights. DOGtime organizes every year 2 excursions: One. in February within the borders of Europe and mandatory for the foundation students, and the second in March towards a metropool outside Europe and mandatory for the graduation students.
DOGtime Propaedeutic program
The two years Propaedeutic program form the introduction to the DOGtime program. In an atmosphere of experimentation, exploration and analysis this introductory program helps the students to evolve towards making a distinct and independent choice for either one of the advanced programs. Tutors can be consulted for an individual advice.
DOGtime Advanced programs: Expanded Painting (EP) and Unstable Media (UM)
Once you have successfully completed the two years propaedeutic program (foundation program) you can choose to proceed your study at DOGtime either in the Expanded Painting (EP) program or the Unstable Media (UM) program. Technically students having mastered these foundational years are in the position to switch to the regular full time Rietveld programs in either of the departments.
DOGtime Expanded Painting (EP)
This course provides for an intensive, agile and focussed curriculum, more or less tailor made for each individual student. Main emphasis in the coaching offered, is the development of an individual vision and practice as a visual artist. Doing (critical) research and doing studio-based work are kept in a challenging balance throughout the program. Lecturers (artists, theorists, specialists) with a variety of backgrounds will supervise the development of each students in a critical yet supportive, constructive fashion. Not the compliance to a ‘common norm’ is the leading principle of the curriculum, moreover, the primal concern in all assessments is the discovery, extension and improvement of individual qualities, taken seriously in consideration against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world, and rapidly changing conditions for producing, understanding and communicating art.
DOGtime Unstable Media (UM)
This course is positioned at the interface between art and design, and focussed on the societal intersection of the contexts traditionally associated with these practices. The term Unstable Media refers to the insight that media ensure that no cultural, social or political context can be captured unequivocally any longer. Similarly ‘the work’, its operation(s) and its contexts are considered immanently unstable. To support this transdisciplinary approach the curriculum brings together a wide variety of backgrounds and referential tradtions like communication design, interaction design, behavioral studies, philosophy and media theory. The curriculum offers a funky blend of theory, practical courses, projects, and workshops that challenge individual choices and idiosyncracies. Students are given the opportunity to develop experimental knowledge on art, media, and culture within the ever changing conditions of the public domain. This is done via projects outside of the Rietveld and in cooperation with other parties or institutions.
DOGtime heeft een studieduur van vijf jaar: twee basisjaren (propedeuse) en drie vervolg (vak)jaren. Na de eerste twee jaar DOGtime kan je kiezen voor DOGtime Expanded Painting (EP) of DOGtime Unstable Media (UM). Je kan ook overstappen naar een andere richting op dagopleiding van de Rietveld Academie.
Het docententeam van DOGtime bestaat uit een heterogeen team van kunstenaars, vormgevers, culturele ondernemers en theoretici. Zij verzorgen een intensief, veeleisend en uitdagend curriculum. Tijdens de DOGtime opleiding komen uiteenlopende meningen, ideeën en methodes, aan bod. Er is ook aandacht voor veel verschillende manieren van werken en presenteren. In en buiten de lessen krijg je allerlei theoretische en praktische opdrachten die je alleen of samen met andere studenten uitvoert.
De DOGtime populatie bestaat uit zo’n 90 studenten. De achtergrond van DOGtime studenten is heel divers: van elektriciën tot econoom en van secretaresse tot socioloog. De leeftijd van de studenten varieert van 20 tot 65 jaar en ligt gemiddeld rond de 30 jaar. Veel van de DOGtime studenten hebben, naast hun DOGtime studie, een (brood)baan. Om voldoende tijd en aandacht in je studie te kunnen steken, adviseert DOGtime om naast onze opleiding maximaal 24 uur per week te werken. DOGtime streeft naar een strakke en duidelijke organisatie van de opleiding, zodat studenten hun banenschema kunnen aanpassen aan de lessen en projecten. Tegelijkertijd is het inhoudelijke aanbod ‘speels’, transparant en veelzijdig, zodat er voldoende ruimte is voor eigen ontdekkingen en inzichten.
DOGtime studenten zijn betrokken mensen, met een onderzoekende, kritische en analytische houding. Tijdens de opleiding is er een intensieve uitwisseling van concepten en ideeën tussen docenten en studenten. DOGtime daagt haar studenten uit zich te verhouden tot actuele ontwikkelingen en te anticiperen op de mogelijkheden van een beroepspraktijk als kunstenaar en (interactive) designer. De meeste DOGtime studenten zijn na hun afstuderen goed in staat hun eigen route te bepalen binnen de artistieke, politieke en sociaal-economische inkleuring van de openbare ruimte.